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Search & Browse

To find and explore reference entities, you can use Search . Start typing one or more search terms in the search bar.

  • Use asterisks '*' or '?' wildcards.
    • '*' represents zero or more characters in a string of characters.
    • '?' represents any one character.
  • Use quotes "..." to search for exact matches
    • By default, Accurids performs fuzzy searches. You can surround a term in quotes if you want results matching the term exactly and without the fuzziness applied.

Result View

Accurids performs an instant search with each character you type. Search results are represented by their respective preferred label and shown in descending order of their relevance regarding the search input. The respective dataset badge indicates the matching dataset. The number of results is displayed at the top of the table, and the number of datasets in which the search item appears.

Click on a search result row to open the Preview for the metadata of the corresponding entity. Click to get to the Entity Details view where all information is displayed. A click on the box icon resolves the reference entity outside of Accurids.


Filters can be applied to restrict the search to specific datasets or based on specific metadata. Enter the filter dialog by clicking the "Add new filter" icon . To inverse the filter, hover over the applied filter badge and select Exclude matches.

Filter by Dataset

To restrict the search to a specific dataset, select DATASETS and choose a dataset from the dropdown menu.

You can also add dataset filters by clicking on any colored dataset badges.

Filter by Facet

You can filter the search for the presence or absence of specific metadata statements. To do that, select FACETS and select a predicate in the Filter field. Click the Value field to select from all available values for the chosen predicate. A click on APPLY activates the filter.

Four operators can be used to filter the results.

  • IS to filter if chosen predicate exists with the chosen value
  • IS NOT to filter out chosen predicate with the chosen value
  • EXISTS to filter chosen predicate exists no matter the value
  • EXISTS NOT to filter out results that have chosen predicate

The additional filter option Include class hierarchy is available for specific predicates. The filter will also include the selected Value subclass hierarchy if this option is selected. This can be useful if you want to consider a specific subtree in your search.

Filter Proposal

You can filter search for the presence or absence of a proposal. There are multiples filter predicate that can be used.


  • Proposal - Property URI is used to filter proposal on specific property.
  • Proposal - Status is used to filter proposal on specific status. Possible values are: PENDING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED.

The result for this filter proposal is showing all entities that have proposal with applied filter.

Saved Searches

You can save your search, including all applied filters and columns, by clicking on the in the search bar.

Provide a name and a description for your saved search and click on the SAVE button.

Saved search sharing

Browser URI can be copied and shared. The URI includes the search term, all filters, table columns, and the name and description of the saved search.

Sort results

Hover over the column you want to use for sorting and click on the sort icon.

Search Result Export

Click the burger menu icon in the right corner above the search results table and choose Export to get the CSV file that contains all search results with applied columns and sort order.

Entity Details View

In the search results, click to get to the Entity Details view where all information about an entity is displayed.

By default, the entity is displayed in a global view that aggregates all information related to the entity. One can (de)select datasets as needed and focus on a local view that restricts the display of information to one dataset.

By using the search bar at the top right corner of the Entity Details View, you can search within the currently selected datasets. The colors next to the search results mark, in which datasets the entities where found.


Some datasets contain a tree structure. In that case, the entity details view includes a tree on the left, displaying the entity as part of the hierarchy.

The tree shows the path from the dataset's root element to the selected entity. The parent entities on the path to the root are highlighted. If the entity is present in multiple positions of the hierarchy, the different paths to the root are shown as breadcrumbs on the right, which can be selected for display in the treeview. If the selected entity is not included in the tree hierarchy, it is displayed on top next to the root node.

To browse the tree hierarchy, click on the plus/minus signs. If there is no plus sign, there are no sub-elements.

Minimize / Expand data

By clicking the two arrows next to the scroll bar on top of the tree view, you can minimize the data that is used in the tree view. This will then only show you the respective parent entities of the selected entity and therefore allows for a more compact overview.

Graph visualization

In addition to the treeview, the entity details view also offers a graph visualization for the datasets hierarchy if the dataset contains a tree structure. This view can be accessed by clicking on next to the 'minimize / expand data' button at the top of the tree view.

The graph is a different representation of the path from the dataset's root element to the selected entity. The selected entity is displayed as a larger, black node, whereas all other entities are represented as a smaller, grey node. The arrows indicate a connection between entities where the node at the origin of an arrow is the child of the node at the destination of the arrow. As opposed to the tree view, each entity only appears once.

The nodes can be moved around by clicking on a node and dragging it to another place and the mousewheel allows for zooming in and out. As with the Treeview, minimizing / expanding the data only shows the respective parent entities of the selected entity.

To leave the graph visualization and go back to the Treeview, click on .

Audit Trail

Embedded in the Entity Details View, the Audit Trail block provides a comprehensive overview of the lifecycle of your data within the platform. This feature is crucial for ensuring accountability, transparency, and data integrity. It shows detailed information about all significant actions performed on data entities, including:

  • Creation: Captures the exact timestamp and the initiator of the data's creation, establishing the origin and initial ownership.
  • Modification: Tracks changes made to the data, including what was altered, by whom, and when. This helps monitor data history and manage version control.
  • Contributions: Identifies individuals or processes contributing to the data over time, providing a broader view of data interactions.

The Audit Trail helps organizations meet stringent compliance requirements and supports effective data governance strategies. The audit trail properties are configurable, allowing administrators to tailor the level of detail captured based on organizational needs and regulatory obligations.

Please refer to the Audit Trail Properties section in the Platform Administration documentation for instructions on configuring these properties to best suit your organization's requirements.

Audit Trail

Mappings View

If available, incoming and outgoing mappings are shown at the bottom of the Entity Details view. Outgoing mappings go from the currently selected entity to others, while incoming mappings are references from other entities. For more information, see Mappings.

Links to a Reference Entity show other Reference Entities from datasets that contain a currently opened entity and are linked by a specific property.

Looking at the example, multiple entities, including the mucosal melanoma entity from the Human Disease Ontology (DOID), contain a Reference Entity for the disease 'melanoma' linked by the 'subClassOf' property, respectively.

Links to an Entity