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Preloading Datasets

This document provides instructions on how to preload datasets in Accurids.


Accurids allows the preloading of certain datasets for quick and easy access. The configuration file configures this through the accurids.defaultInternalDatasets and accurids.defaultDatasetConfigs parameters.


Here is an example of how to configure these parameters:

    defaultInternalDatasets: rdfs,skos,owl,schema
    - tag: doid
      name: Human Disease Ontology
      description: Dataset about human diseases
      - uri:


This parameter is a list of internal datasets that can be loaded by default. Accurids supports these default datasets: rdf, rdfs, skos, owl, and schema.


This parameter is a list of external datasets to load. Each dataset is represented as an object with the following properties:

  • tag: A unique identifier for the dataset.
  • name: The name of the dataset.
  • sources: A list of URIs where the dataset can be found.

In the example above, a dataset with the tag doid, named "Human Disease Ontology", is loaded from

Next Steps

After configuring these parameters, restart the application to load the datasets. Check the application logs for more information if there are any issues with loading a dataset.